Comics NewsGroups & Mailing Lists
I Newsgroup sono gruppi di dibattito pubblico dedicati ai fumetti: ci si collega con la funzione "news:nome-del-gruppo" del vostro browser, oppure clickando i link nella tabella qui sotto. Quindi vi viene presentato l'elenco dei messaggi attivi e li potete leggere, rispondere, partecipare alla discussione. La lettura è "attiva", cioè dovete essere voi stessi a collegarvi e a leggere quel che vi interessa.
Le Mailing List sono servizi di discussione via posta elettronica. Ci si abbona, gratuitamente, secondo le istruzioni riportate nell'elenco in fondo a questa pagina e si ricevono, nella propria casella postale tutte le comunicazioni che gli abbonati si scambiano sull'argomento della Lista. La lettura è"passiva", cioè, una volta abbonati, i testi vi vengono automaticamente spediti, sia che vi interessino sia che non vi interessino.
Se trovate altri newsgroups o mailing list, segnalateceli!
If you know other newsgroups or mailing list, please send us a message!
it.arti.fumetti, it.arti.cartoni, it.spettacolo.cartoni  
alt.comics.alternative, alt.comics.batman, alt.comics.classic, alt.comics.elfquest,, alt.comics.image, alt.comics.lnh, alt.comics.peanuts, alt.comics.superman alt.disney, alt.disney.collecting, alt.disney.criticism, alt.disney.disneyland, alt.disney.the-evil-empire  
rec.arts.comics.alternative, rec.arts.comics.creative, rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh, rec.arts.comics.dc.universe, rec.arts.comics.dc.vertigo, rec.arts.comics.elfquest,, rec.arts.comics.marketplace, rec.arts.comics.marvel.universe, rec.arts.comics.marvel.xbooks, rec.arts.comics.misc, rec.arts.comics.other-media, rec.arts.comics.strips
it.arti.fumetti: L'omonimo Newsgroup è disponibile anche in formato http

Per abbonarsi di norma si richiede l'invio di un messaggio (tipo: subscribe ...)
a un indirizzo e-mail (tipo: majordomo@... o altro). 
La mailing list sul fumetto europeo; mandare a questo indirizzo: macjordomo@ il messaggio: SUBSCRIBE COMICS nome cognome 
Marvel mailing List ITALIA: inviare una mail a: contenente il messaggio: subscribe MARVEL nome cognome  
Mailing Lists for Phantom Fans Monkey Mail. Chris Merrigan from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, recently established a Phantom Mailing List -- Monkey Mail. This list is intended for the discussion of anything at all to do with THE GHOST WHO WALKS. You can subscribe to the list by accessing Chris' web page at the following URL:  
Alternatively, you can send email to with subscribe monkey-mail as the subject (this is case insensitive), and leave the body of the message empty. Chris will no longer accept mail sent to his email address ( about subscribing to the list unless you have a genuine problem or if you want to be removed from the list. Once you're subscribed to the list, you can post messages on it using the following email address: Your message will be redistributed to everyone subscribed to the list, so please use appropriate discretion with your message content.  
Comic Strip Classics Mailing List. There's another mailing list that some of you may be interested in -- Comic Strip Classics. The purpose of this list is to allow subscribers the opportunity to discuss Vintage (pre-1960) newspaper comic strips and related subject matter. You can subscribe by sending the following text "subscribe comic-strip-classics" as the BODY of an email message to: The list is maintained by Stuart Liss ( To post messages to this list, use the following email address:  
Bone mailing list About Jeff Smith's Bone comic To be added to the list send email to: with the phrase: subscribe bone your-email-address-here in the body of the letter (not the subject).  
Cerebus mailing list To subscribe: mail with the following message body (not subject): subscribe cerebi To unsubscribe: mail to the same address with the body: unsubscribe cerebi To post to the list, mail to  
Comix Mailing List Discussion on non-mainstream and indipendent comics. To subscribe, send mail to: with the message: subscribe comix or subscribe comix-digest  
Disney comics mailing list To subscribe, send mail to:   
Elfquest Richard Pini is active on this and messages posted here have appeared in various Elfquest titles' letter pages. To subscribe, send the message subscribe equest-l to To post, mail to  
Gunk'l'dunk A moderated newsletter for fans of Tales Of The_Beanworld Contact  
Kryptonian Cybernet A "magazine" about Superman. To subscribe send e-mail to with no body and a subject line which reads: KC: subscribe Legion-L Another Legion of Super-Heroes mailing list. To subscribe, send mail to: Maintainer is Don Hearth at  
Lois & Clark To subscribe, send mail to: with no subject and: SUB LOISCLA as the only text. To get a digest instead of individual messages, include SET LOISCLA DIGEST under the SUB command in the message. Run by  
Modesty Blaise Discussion of Peter O'Donnell's Modesty Blaise comic strip and books. To subscribe, send mail to:  
Poison Elves Mailing list for fans of Poison Elves, formerly I, Lusipher, by Drew Hayes. To subscribe, send mail to:  
Stripe The mailing list for the Rogue (X-Men character) on-line fan club. To subscribe, send the message: subscribe stripe-l end To: The "end" will keep the list server from choking if a .sig is automatically added to your mail. To post to the list, mail to:  
Valiant Visions newsletter A newsletter about Valiant comics. It includes reviews, interviews with Valiant staffers, contests, and information on upcoming events. Valiant participates fully and has given us its support. Currently, Kevin VanHook and Bernard Chang are subscribers. To join, send email to the editor, Chris Vitek, at: 
Di seguito una breve descrizione in inglese di alcuni dei principali Newsgroups:
Thanks to Majordomo@world.std.con
On Usenet, there are the following comics newsgroups: A moderated group, r.a.c.i. is intended for factual and informational postings and reasonably detailed reviews.
rec.arts.comics.strips: For the discussion of comic strips and editorial cartoons, their creators, and any spinoffs.
rec.arts.comics.marvel.xbooks: For discussion of Marvel mutant books.
rec.arts.comics.marvel.universe: For discussion of non-mutant books set in the main Marvel universe
rec.arts.comics.marketplace: For the posting of For Sale and Wanted posts dealing with any aspect of comics or related merchandise.
rec.arts.comics.creative: For the posting of fan fiction, such as stories of the Legion of Net.Heroes and the Net.Trenchcoat.Brigade. This group is *not* intended as a place for posting stories using current characters from actual comic books as this would constitute trademark infringement.
rec.arts.comics.alternative: Similar to the comix mailing list, it's for discussion of alternative books.
rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh: For discussion of DC's Legion of Super-Heroes books.
rec.arts.comics.dc.vertigo: For discussion of DC's Vertigo titles.
rec.arts.comics.dc.universe: For discussion of non-LSH or Vertigo books set in the main DC universe.
rec.arts.comics.elfquest: For discussion of Elfquest comics.
rec.arts.comics.other-media: For discussion of non-comics spinoffs from comics; movies, tv, animation, books, toys, etc.
rec.arts.comics.misc: If it's about comics and doesn't fit in the above groups, this is where to post it.
In general, there should be almost no crossposting between the above groups. In particular, all "for sale" posts should go in rec.arts.comics.marketplace, do *not* crosspost them. Also, material solely about xbooks should be posted only in r.a.c.xbooks and not be crossposted into r.a.c.misc.
Other related newsgroups
rec.arts.manga: Discussion of Japanese manga. Not part of r.a.c. hierarchy due to religious war on its place in Usenet naming hierarchy.
rec.arts.animation: a newsgroup devoted to the discussion of animated films, TV shows, shorts, etc. There are also innumerable related newsgroups to this, such as the rec.arts.disney hierarchy and, but in particular there is:
the rec.arts.anime hierarchy: for discussion of Japanese animation.
Finally, there are various "alt" groups which are not affiliated with "mainstream" Usenet and are usually received at fewer sites than rac groups.
alt.comics.superman use r.a.c.misc for more dependable distribution; or crosspost.
alt.comics.batman use r.a.c.misc for more dependable distribution; or crosspost.
alt.comics.elfquest use r.a.c.misc for more dependable distribution; or crosspost. use r.a.c.misc for more dependable distribution; or crosspost. Matt Howarth comics, such as Those Annoying Post Brothers and Savage Henry. use r.a.c.misc for more dependable distribution; or crosspost. all furry comics + animation use r.a.c.misc for more dependable distribution; or crosspost. 

My thanks to tyg ( for the contents of this message.
Elizabeth Lear, Software Tool & Die / The World Public-Access UNIX - List Admin 
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