Recensioni e Novità editoriali Italiane e Straniere
Reviews and publishing News
by Gianfranco Goria
Per ulteriori approfondimenti e consulenza bibliografica contattate
il recensore: goria@inrete.it.
To know more about the following (and other) books and bibliographic
help: goria@inrete.it.
Nel numero 109 della rivista dei professionisti USA: Lee Lorenz,
Cartoon Editor, The New Yorker; Jeff MacNelly; Noted Editor critiques the
comics; Ask Leo; History of the National Cartoonists Society, part 1; New
King Features comic strip (Rhymes with orange by Hilary Price); The "Believe
It Or Not" cartoonist; Animation by Nancy Beiman; New Creators Syndacate
strip (At the Zu by Ron Ruelle); Illustrator and Cartoonist Jim Flora;
New Universal Press Syndacate strip (Duplex by Glenn McCoy); Cartooning
by Computer.
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