Recensioni e Novitŕ editoriali Italiane e Straniere
Reviews and publishing News
by Gianfranco Goria
Per ulteriori approfondimenti e consulenza bibliografica contattate il recensore: goria@inrete.it.
To know more about the following (and other) books and bibliographic help: goria@inrete.it.
The COMICS Journal 183 - January 1996
Nel numero di gennaio della nota rivista USA di critica fumettistica: Repliche di Robert Crumb alle accuse del numero precedente. Viva la Comix! Justice 3, Injustice2: Lee/Liefeld, Marvel, Diamond, Marvelution. Minimalism by Robert Boyd. Comics Library: recensioni, Dark Horse presents #100, From Inside, Dark Knights: The News Comics in Context, Dropsie Avenue: the Neighborhood by Will Eisner. Interviews - interviste a: Joe Matt, Don Rosa "good duck artist". A few words about Joe Matt. Whatever happened to Alan Moore? Hey, Kid! Comics! Mr. Hergé, Mr. Kirby; Mr. Kirby, Mr. Hergé.
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