Mostra Anonima Fumetti/CNF 1994
I Tre Samurai
a Settimo Torinese et al.

To all those who asked about the yet unpublished story "I 3 Samurai" (the three Samurais) Gianfranco Goria wrote for the Walt Disney Italy a few years ago. Here you find a few images from the script and storyboards by Gianfranco Goria, the drawings by Claudio Sciarrone and an article about the story published by the Italian magazine Grafica & Disegno (now G&D), directed by Luca Novelli. Just click on the images to see them bigger. Following are the panels of the various exhibitions held in 1994.

storyboard by G.Goria
drawing by C.Sciarrone
storyboard by Goria
a panel by Sciarrone
script by G.Goria
my very first notes about the story...
script by Goria
art by Sciarrone

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