Il Direttore Creativo della Wizards of the Coast in cerca di nuovi talenti Europei a Lucca Comics & Games

La Wizards of the Coast, importante casa produttrice di giochi, ha reso noto che Rich Kaalaas, Direttore Creativo della Wizards of the Coast, passerà in rassegna i portfolio degli artisti e farà parte della giuria del concorso d'arte fantasy il 30 e 31 Ottobre e 1 Novembre presso Lucca Comics & Games.

Carole Pucik, Direttore del Marketing della filiale Italiana ha affermato: "Abbiamo notato il bisogno di aggiungere artisti internazionali alla nostro attuale gruppo di talenti e crediamo che la presenza del signor Kaalaas a Lucca Games incoraggerà artisti Europei a portare a esaminare il loro portfolio. Questa e per noi una ottima opportunità per incontrare artisti da tutta Europa.

Nel suo ruolo di Direttore Artistico, il signor Kaalaas guida il gruppo della Wizards incaricato di esaminare tutti i portfolio e di selezionare artisti chiave i cui stili e tecniche si amalgamino con le specifiche linee di prodotti, tra cui il piu venduto gioco di carte collezionabili al mondo, Magic: l'Adunanza", Dungeons & Dragons", Legends of Fire Rings", e molti altri giochi. Il suo gruppo di quaranta persone chiamato "Spine Design", con base a Seattle, sviluppa e gestisce l'aspetto e lo stile del sistemi di gioco più popolari del mondo.

In un ulteriore sforzo per sostenere lo sviluppo degli artisti a Lucca Games, la Wizards of the Coast, in collaborazione con Lucca Comics & Games e con la Nexus Editrice hanno sviluppato un concorso in cui gli artisti interessati all'illustrazione di giochi possano mandare illustrazioni recenti per essere esaminati da una competente giuria. Le illustrazioni devono essere basate sul fantasy ed essere adatte per uso in giochi o racconti. Le opere verranno esaminate da una giuria composta dal Signor Kaalaas e da altri artisti professionisti e redattori. Le prime dieci illustrazioni saranno pubblicate in una edizione futura di "Kaos", la rivista di punta del panorama ludico Italiano. Il vincitore riceverà anche materiale artistico per un valore di 1.000.000 di lire offerto dalla Wizards of the Coast. Il concorso è aperto a tutti gli artisti e tutte le opere devono essere inviate via posta.

Info: clp@fol.it

Scadenza: 15 ottobre 1998

Ente autonomo Max Massimino Garnier,
Via della Cavallerizza 11
55100 Lucca


General Instructions

Contest is open to all illustrators and designers residents of Italy and abroad, without limitation of age.

Contestants are to develop and submit illustrations for a fantasy book or game. Illustrations can be based either on published or non-published (original) works. i.e. can be an illustration for "Lord of the Rings", etc.

The submission must be composed of one cover and at least four internal illustrations . Drawings should not exceed 35x50 cm. Choice of text and topic is open, but subject must belong to the fantasy genre (science fiction, fantasy, horror, cyberpunk, historical, steampunk). The jury will judge the illustrations based on visual and stylistic coherency.

Illustrations must be unpublished and original . They can be either color or black and white using any graphical technique. Group submissions are also acceptable.

Only originals will be accepted: laser or color inkjet printing will only be accepted in case of computer aided illustrations.

Artist name, address, telephone number and email address must be written on the back of each illustration.


A first jury composed of members of the Lucca Comics and Games organization will choose a maximum of ten finalists. Finalists works will be exhibited at Lucca Comics and Games inside the Lucca Games tent. Every finalist will receive free entrance to the convention.

During the convention, a second jury composed of professional artists and editors will select the winning entry.

The jury will select one winning entry.


> The winning illustrations will be published in the December issue of Kaos, Italy's most popular game magazine.

> The winning author will also receive a certificate to be redeemed for professional art supplies in the amount of 1.000.000 Italian lire ($600 USD) compliments of Wizards of the Coast.

> Nexus Editrice will provide an array of products (magazines, books, games) dedicated to fantasy illustration and comics.

Rights and Ownership

Author retains rights of the published works. The sponsoring organizations reserve the right to use choosen images for promotional purpouse (newsletter, internet site).


Submissions must be postmarked no later than 15 october 1998

Late entries will not be accepted.

Submission Address and Requirements

Please submit works via registered post (return receipt requested) to:

Ente autonomo Max Massimino Garnier,

Via della Cavallerizza 11

55100 Lucca



The contest organizers assure maximum care in handling and storing the works, but decline all responsibility for eventual damage, loss, etc.

All originals, selected or not for exposition, will be sent back to authors after November 10. It is mandatory for artists to send a large return envelope along with works.

Further inquiries should be directed to: clp@fol.it

(Rich Kaalaas Biography)

Rich Kaalaas started out as a roleplaying enthusiast back in the 70s, received a BFA at Washington State University in Design and Visual Communication and combined his love of games with a keen visual sensibility to help launch Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in 1990. He is now the Creative Director of all Wizards of the Coast products.

Rich designed the original corporate identity and communications package for Wizards of the Coast, and is now responsible for the management and vision of the Spine Design group (Wizards' in-house creative team). His forty-person team develops and maintains the look and feel of the most popular gaming systems in the world. Rich also works with and guides some of the finest talent in the global realm of fantasy and science fiction illustration.

In his role as Creative Director, Rich heads the Wizards team that reviews all portfolios, selects key artists whose styles and techniques mesh with specific product lines, and works closely with the creative program coordinator and his team of art directors in establishing strong artist relations.

From classics games like Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering to new favorites like Alternity and Guillotine, Rich and his Spine Design group are at the cutting edge of visual innovation in the gaming field.

Wizards of the Coast Italy

contact: Carole Pucik +